My First Impression of Yale.

Yale is like a place that I have always known.

Just like a magnetic field, the word Yale has flashed through my life from time to time. When I was twelve, I kept hearing my sister talking about it every single day for months since it was her time to apply for college. The lyric “That’s Why I Chose Yale” kept echoing through my mind for a very long time. 

The first time that I was physically here was when I was 15, as a tourist. That tour was interesting but we didn’t really go inside of every building, just the main churches or libraries. The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library wasn’t even open that day. But, to a teenage girl who loves the movie Harry Potter, I was so impressed by how this campus would be able to bring back time, which was amazing! I felt like I was walking through the Harry Potter movie set, expecting someone with a wand to suddenly pop out. 

After three years, here I am, holding the card to every gate, truly being one part of this school for a whole six weeks. I can hardly imagine what will happen even just for tomorrow. But since the moment that I stepped off the train in New Haven, my mind has been twisted by so many feelings that don’t usually come together — excitement, anxiety, delight, even a little bit of drowsy. I don’t know what might come or be taken away from me. These feelings are so rare that I could hardly forget…

In my mind, I am still a child who needs guidance, company, and protection. When it comes to some situations that need me to make a choice, I may ruin it. In my whole life, I have made countless bad choices which always filled me with regret right after the consequences began to appear.  

However, I do not feel that now. What I do feel is glad that I applied for ELI and clicked submit. I know that I am doing the right thing. For the last two days, this mix of feeling pushes me, challenges me, and sometimes opens my eyes to something new. I know that I will face many unknowns and I am sure that I am not ready, but who knows what will happen? I wonder.  All I know is that what’s right in front me is a world full of mystery, and also, hope.


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